to puzzle over 意味

  • to puzzle over


  1. as for the matter over the personnel of the imperial court in 1985 , historical materials , records , documents including the " kugyo bunin " (list of high court nobles ) list different dates for the matter , and thus , it is too distorted to put in order the dates of accessions in the first half of the year coherently , causing historians to puzzle over the matter; roughly speaking , however , it is assumed that the position of sadaijin was transferred from uchimoto ichijo to akizane nijo and then to nobusuke konoe , that that of udaijin from akizane nijo to nobusuke konoe and then to harusue kikutei (former naidaijin ), and that that of naidaijin from harusue kikutei to nobusuke konoe and finally to hideyoshi .


        puzzle over:    頭を悩ませる、当惑{とうわく}する、頭をひねる
        puzzle over a math problem:    数学{すうがく}の問題{もんだい}に頭を悩ませる
        puzzle over the weird weather:    変[奇妙{きみょう}?異常{いじょう}]な天候{てんこう}[天気{てんき}?気候{きこう}]に当惑{とうわく}[混乱{こんらん}]する、変[奇妙{きみょう}?異常{いじょう}]な天候{てんこう}[天気{てんき}?気候{きこう}]に頭をひねる[悩ませる]
        puzzle over someone's apparent conviction:    (人)の明らかな確信{かくしん}に当惑{とうわく}する
        in a puzzle:    当惑して
        puzzle:     1puzzle n. なぞ, 難問, パズル. 【動詞+】 complete the puzzle そのパズルを終了する construct puzzles パズルを作る devise a puzzle パズルを考案する do a crossword puzzle クロスワードパズルをする enjoy a puzzle パズ
        to puzzle:    to puzzle 迷わす まよわす 惑わす まどわす
        acrostic puzzle:    アクロステック?パズル
        body puzzle:    {映画} : ボディパズル◆米1992
        chinese puzzle:    複雑{ふくざつ}なパズル、難問{なんもん}
        complicated puzzle:    解きにくいパズル
        crossword puzzle:    crossword puzzle クロスワードパズル
        devise a puzzle:    パズルを考案{こうあん}する
        dirty puzzle:    〈米俗〉ふしだらな女
        disjointed puzzle:    バラバラの[になった]パズル Now the disjointed puzzle pieces fit together. 今やバラバラのパズルは組み合わされた[一つになった]。


  1. "to put up umbrella" 意味
  2. "to put up with" 意味
  3. "to put young men to shame" 意味
  4. "to putter" 意味
  5. "to puzzle" 意味
  6. "to quake" 意味
  7. "to qualify, foreign companies were required to submit financial statements to the securities and exchange commission" 意味
  8. "to quarrel" 意味
  9. "to quarrel and separate" 意味
  10. "to putter" 意味
  11. "to puzzle" 意味
  12. "to quake" 意味
  13. "to qualify, foreign companies were required to submit financial statements to the securities and exchange commission" 意味

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